One of the main challenges of online events is creating interactions: how to best encourage interactivity between participants when they’re not able to meet in person? This question deserves a…
An online job fair is a digital event where candidates and recruiters can easily meet. Recruiters can be partner companies, external to yours, or teams within your own organization. To make…
B2B event participants don’t only come for the content program. Most of the time, the content provided can be viewed online, before, during, or even after the event. Often times,…
If you’re organizing your first digital event, your first instinct might be to film and broadcast your video sessions live. Quite understandable when you’re used to organizing face-to-face events where…
One of the major challenges of online events is the maximizing interactions between participants. How to encourage digital meetings to compensate for the absence of physical meetings? Networking and business…
Organizing an online professional event is a riveting experience… but one that can definitely cause a bit of stress! To help you organize your digital events, we’ve prepared a checklist…
For your marketing operations, you might need to organize a short online event in no time and webinar might be your first go-to. But what if we told you there’s…
How to keep your attendees engaged is an ever-trending topic of concern for event organizers and marketers. While the importance of this matter is the same for an online and…