Leverage the online format to showcase high-quality content and make it last longer
One of the main ingredients of Crawl2Convert’s success is the wealth of quality content and highly knowledgeable speakers it offers. Crawl2Convert’s team leveraged the online format of this year’s event to showcase the 20+ keynotes, panels, fireside chats, and presentations.
All sessions were recorded beforehand and broadcasted in simulive mode on the day of the event. This allowed Botify to share high-quality content, mitigate the risk of common live technical issues while giving the impression of a live panel discussion. This also allowed speakers to have their hand free to answer questions live using Inwink chat feature.
Another advantage of the online format is that the content generated for the event can easily become evergreen. Once recorded, video sessions can be viewed on-demand and be used for future campaigns.
When doing virtual events, one of the biggest challenges is to keep the audience engaged. You want to offer as much content as possible and in as many formats as possible to prevent your audience from logging off the platform. Botify overcame this challenge by having a packed agenda made of two tracks, but also by offering multiple written assets (white papers, case studies), enabling networking and displaying a fun Trivia game.
Offer personalized experiences depending on who the participants are
2 versions to accommodate global time zones
To accommodate both the USA and EMEA time zones, Botify’s team played the event twice at different times.
For this, the team created a parent website and attached two children websites: one for Europe, one for the US.
With inwink the team could create one child website from A to Z and then duplicate it in just one click, before applying the local changes.
Differentiated content according to each participant’s profile
Botify’s team wanted to offer a personalized experience to each participant. Therefore, some content was reserved to existing Botify customers, whereas some other were designed for non-customers.
This was made possible thanks to conditional display set up in the Inwink Back-Office. The team created conditions such as “only participants tagged as customers can see this specific content”.
This personalized approach does not generate any frustration for non-customers who cannot access specific content, because this content is not displayed in their event agenda. But it does give a sense of membership and preferred treatment to customers who see they have access to exclusive content.
Multiply networking opportunities for participants
For Crawl2Convert, Botify’s team made sure to maximize networking opportunities for participants, with topic-based networking rooms, and the possibilities to set up 1:1 meetings with attendees with shared interests.
The team arranged specific slots dedicated to networking in the event agenda, thus encouraging participants to join networking rooms for Q&A sessions.